Kids Grading Criteria

The Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu belt system has been designed with longevity in mind.

The IBJJF encourages minimum ages per belts and as such the sport has avoided seeing 11 year old Black Belts who then inevitably feel there is no progression to be made and stop training.

The belt structure is relatively simple however different options can be given on how to fill the gaps in between belts where some children may lose interest.

We have opted for the Quarterly Graduation system as per one of the IBJJF’s recommendations and we feel this will best allow us to maintain a high standard but also reward effort when given. Our adults work very hard for any stripes or belts and we were keen to make sure that the children are challenged but not discouraged.

Our Grading process will work as follows:-

  • Stripes will be awarded on a quarterly basis. 1 stripe given at the end of quarter 1, 2 and 3.

  • Following consistent training for approximately one year (quarter 4), the student will be promoted to the next belt. For example at the end of year 1, a white belt will have been awarded 3 stripes and will given their Grey and White Belt.

  • By the time they are ready for respective colour “and Black Belt”, they will satisfy the below criteria for that level and will have been that colour for approximately 3 years

One area that we are conscious of and cannot stress enough is that the pursuit of belts is not the aim with this. We want to promote the idea that a child still has so much to gain from the sport that they continue training Jiu Jitsu in to their teenage years and hopefully adulthood. Any belt awarded is an incredible achievement so if they turn 16 years of age and have not been awarded a Green Belt, this is completely normal. In fact, earning a Green belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is arguably the hardest of all belts to earn. When done properly, a child may have been training nearly 10 years by the time they are that rank.

The belt colours are:-






The criteria to be promoted under our team can be found below:-


Be respectful during class to all coaches and fellow students

Help fellow students where possible

Observe the Club Rules

Be punctual Support the academy where possible


Gi training is essential to receive a BJJ belt promotion

Competition exposure at each belt level is RECOMMENDED where possible but not mandatory

A student who holds the rank of Yellow belt or higher will graduate to Blue Belt (at a minimum) upon turning 16 and in some cases a Grey belt may also be promoted.

A white belt will remain a white belt but will move under the Adult system


Grey and Black Belt Concepts and Positions

Conceptual understanding of the positions of Jiu Jitsu but inconsistent application

Knowing transitions through positions but inconsistent application

Sees step by step

No techniques

Yellow and Black Belt Concepts and Positions

Knowing what neutralising is but inconsistent application

Knowing what tempo is but inconsistent application

Knowing how to sweep but inconsistent application

Knowing how to pass but inconsistent application

Knowing how to acquire and use grips in current position for next position but inconsistent application (sweeping, passing, submission)

Sees sequences

Concept foundation Techniques structure

Orange and Black Belt Concepts and Positions

Applying neutralization to game

Applying tempo to game

Applying efficient grips usage and transitions

Applying smooth transitions of concepts and techniques within game but inconsistent application outside of game

Sees paths

Uses grips from prior position in new position efficiently.

Concept foundation technique structure

Green and Black Belt Concepts and Examples

Applying all concepts and techniques within game and outside of game

Sees everything and understands problem solving in depth from conceptual point of view with strong vocabulary of techniques for positions.

Strong source.

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Address: Forge Grappling, Harbour View, Heron Road, Belfast, BT3 9LE

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17A, Harbour View, Heron Rd, Belfast BT3 9LE, UK

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